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The LORD said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, “Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever. Genesis 13:14-15

Lot and Abram (Abraham) could no longer live together due to the size of their herds of livestock. Abram generously gave Lot the first pick of the land, and he chose the rich plains to be his own. After Lot left, God came to Abram and restated his promise. All the land that Abram saw around him was his. One day the land would be filled with descendants of Abram.

I wonder what was going through Abram’s mind as he saw Lot leave. Lot was one of the last ‘ties’ to his former life in Ur. Lot was taking the better land for himself. God’s promise of children was disappearing as he and Sara grew older. There must have been many questions going through Abrams mind as he contemplated the future.

As Christ-followers God has given us many promises. There are times when the journey we call life is full of potholes and detours. Some of these are a result of our own poor choices. Some are a result of the evil world we live in.

Like Lot, there are times when people seem to take advantage of us, taking the best for themselves and leaving us with second best. Even during these times we need to remember God’s promises for us. God told Abram to look ahead. He encouraged him to walk the land. I think what God was really saying that day was this.

“Don’t be stagnant. Look at all that live has to offer you. I’ve told you I would bring you here and I have. I told you I’d increase your wealth and I have. I told you I’d give you land, and I’m doing that now. I’ve told you that someday I will bless you with many offspring. Trust me.”

God didn’t bless Abram because of who Abram was or what he did for God. God blessed Abram because of who God is and His love for Abram.

The same is true for us as we make this journey called life. There will be setbacks. There will be times when others take advantage of us. There will be times when God’s promises seem to get lost in the shuffle of life itself.

As Abram went through life he built altars, reminders of Gods promises and blessings. We need to build altars in our lives. Places we can return to when life gets complicated, places where we can get back to the roots of our spiritual heritage. God may seem distant right now. It may seem like you have strayed too far from him. It’s during those times we need to keep moving towards God. His promises are sound. Life may change us, but life never changes Gods ability to fulfill His promises.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for the story of Abram and for how you blessed him during the changes of life. I thank you for this story of Lot and how, even though change happens and sometimes we get taken advantage of, your promises are still true. Help me during the wilderness times of life to return to the altars I’ve set as reminders of your great love and forgiveness. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

If the LORD is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Only do not rebel against the LORD. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will swallow them up. Their protection is gone, but the LORD is with us. Do not be afraid of them.” Numbers 14:8-9

It had been a long journey for the people of God. After years of captivity they had been rescued from Egyptian bondage after a series of miracles in which Pharaoh allowed them to leave. Now they reached the border of the Promised Land. During the journey God had provided them with fresh water, fresh meat, and shade from the hot desert sun by day and the warmth of a pillar of fire by night. All of this in the face of constant complaining on the part of the Israelites.

Now 12 spies were being sent into the land to scout it out. The excitement these men must have had! This was it! After years of waiting all their dreams were to be fulfilled. They gave their wives and children a final kiss and hug and walked into the land that had been described to them as a ‘land flowing with milk and honey.’

Their mission? To gain information that would be helpful for conquest. What were the people like? What did the cities look like? What was the land like? And perhaps most importantly, ‘Bring back some of the grapes!” Fresh fruit would surely be a treat that most of these people had never tasted!

Imagine what it must have been like for the families who stayed behind. Watching daily for the familiar figures of the men to come over the mountain. Dreaming of having a home again and no longer being nomads; the children excitedly bragging about what they would do once they got there. It must have been a very exciting time.

Finally, one day someone shouts “They’re back!” A cheer erupts as the 12 figures approach the camp loaded down with huge bunches of sweet, ripe grapes. What a celebration must have ensued as the men told stories of what they had seen and the adventures they took part in.

Then, the most important news of all, “What are the people like?” And a hush falls over the crowd. The countenance of the men grows grim. “They are too big,” They speak softly and shake their heads “The cities are walled; the men are huge like giants. A group such as ourselves doesn’t stand a chance against them.”

Women wept. Children stared with disbelief. Men grew angry. The turned on Moses and Aaron first. It was their idea to drag them into the wilderness. Then they turned their anger towards God. It was so much better in Egypt. The food was wonderful. They had homes and good land. Now they were doomed to life in the desert.

In the midst of the chaos two of the twelve spoke up. They had been largely ignored at first as they were the youngest. Now they raise their voices. “Listen! If God is in this, and He’s told us He is, then the size of the enemy doesn’t matter! Don’t blame God. Give Him a chance to show His power. If He is on our side it doesn’t matter how big they are or how tall their walls are. Protection comes from God not men and not buildings!”

The message is the same for us today. When we are walking in God’s way and following His direction and guidance, His protection is upon us. That doesn’t mean we won’t endure the wilderness from time to time. Being a Christ-follower doesn’t exclude us from suffering.  What it does mean is that eventually, if we are patient and trust Him, He will bring us to the ‘Promised Land’.

PRAYER: Father God I thank you for the protection you promise us through your Son, Jesus Christ. I confess to you the times when I’ve complained about life and questioned your direction. Forgive me for the fear I have of the giants in my life. Help me to rest on your promise that your protection is with me as I war against the giants I encounter. Amen.

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